In memoriam On the parting of our days from Fred Simmons Keller: sketches for a portrait of a great man

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Peter Harzem


Fred S.Keller did not keep his promise.

Once. Only once, in the short 20 years I knew him.

"Fred," I had said, "you will be 100 years young when the Fourth International Congress on Behaviorism is to be held. If you wait, we will bring the Congress to you, and hold it in Chapel Hill." "Oh," he said, "I don't know about that. I'll try."

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How to Cite
Harzem, P. (2011). In memoriam On the parting of our days from Fred Simmons Keller: sketches for a portrait of a great man. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 22(1), 5–11.

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