Asymmetry of the conflicting interaction of violent spouses: the test of a model

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Esther López Corral


Based on the theoretical model of the proportionality of the injustice, derived from the integration information theory, dyadic interactions of violent partners compared with non-violent partners are described. Twenty-two pairs of partners participated (11 violent and 11 controls), who discussed three topics in videotaped sessions: daily events, resolution of conflict and, pleasant topic. Trained observers registered videotapes using the Conyugal Interaction Observational System, whose categories were grouped into Inputs and Outputs of the relationship with positive and negative valence. Sequential analyses with Lag=1, provided the data to operate the model. Greater asymmetry for violent partners than for controls was founded in positive and negative exchanges. Sequential analyses with Lag=0 indicate greater synchrony for violent partners and for controls in negative and positive exchanges, respectively. The excitatory and inhibitory behavioral pattern for 2 dyads is analyzed. The generality of the model based on the observation of behavioral patterns is discussed as an useful research tool.

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How to Cite
López Corral, E., & SANTOYO VELASCO, C. (2011). Asymmetry of the conflicting interaction of violent spouses: the test of a model. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 30(2), 115–138.

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