Temporal Control on Fixed Interval Schedules: Effects of Variable Interval Schedules as Conditioning Histories

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Florente López
Marina Menez


Some evidence suggests that conditioning history may affect the temporal control acquisition on Fixed Interval Schedules. To further evaluate this possibility, reinforcement frequency during conditioning history was varied. Four groups of rats were initially submitted to different Variable Interval schedules, with mean values of 20, 60, 60 and 180-s. Afterwards, rats were submitted to Fixed Interval Schedules of 30 and 90-s, resulting in groups of rats experiencing increments or decrements in frequency of reinforcement, as compared with the obtained frequency during the conditioning history. No effects were observed between groups of comparable FI values in three measures of temporal control: post reinforcement pause, quarter life or response pattern. Findings are discussed in the context of temporal control acquisition and the quantitative representation of acquisition.

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How to Cite
López, F., & Menez, M. (2010). Temporal Control on Fixed Interval Schedules: Effects of Variable Interval Schedules as Conditioning Histories. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 35(2), 109–128. https://doi.org/10.5514/rmac.v35.i2.16111

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