Un cuento de Juan de la Cabada: Incidentes melódicos del mundo irracional, una lectura de la tradición
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This paper puts side by side the tale Incidentes melódicos del mundo irracional, by Juan de la Cabada, and oral narrative material from the Yucatan Penninsula. Such comparison leads to the identification of the Mayan traditional roots of the tale: plots motifs and symbolic characters, songs and dances, rituals, etc. The interest of Juan de la Cabada for the “folk products” and the creation of a personal style based on his cultural and ideological tendencies, are two of the main topics of this study.
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How to Cite
León Vega, M. (2012). Un cuento de Juan de la Cabada: Incidentes melódicos del mundo irracional, una lectura de la tradición. Revista De Literaturas Populares, 9(1). Retrieved from https://journals.unam.mx/index.php/rlp/article/view/31401