Fall in the Indian population after the arrival of the Spaniards. Diseases or exploitation?

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Alejandro Tatsuo Moreno Okuno
Daniel Ventosa-Santalària


In 1492, the same year that Christopher Columbus discovered America, the last Muslim stronghold in Spain was taken. Spain emerged then as the most important defender of the catholic faith in the world. At the same time, because of the continuous military campaigns, the Spanish Crown had an immense economic deficit (Díaz López 1994:25). In these circumstances, the discovery, conquest and colonization of America helped to attain a double goal, to fight for the Catholic religion and to obtain new financial resources.

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Cómo citar
Moreno Okuno, A. T., & Ventosa-Santalària, D. (2011). Fall in the Indian population after the arrival of the Spaniards. Diseases or exploitation?. Investigación Económica, 69(272). https://doi.org/10.22201/fe.01851667p.2010.272.24231

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