An interpretation of the behavior of the mark up in the Brazilian industry

Contenido principal del artículo

Carmem Aparecida Feijó
Luiz Fernando Cerqueira


The Brazilian economy experienced significant changes during the 1990s.

Economic and financial deregulation, price stabilization and privatizations

configured a new economic scenario, shaping new attitudes and strategies of

agents. In spite of these changes, economic performance was poor during

the decade. Economic growth was marked by short periods of growth

followed by deceleration periods. The gross capital formation (or investment)

rate, a key variable to explain the dynamism of the economy, was around

17.0%, whereas current estimates by governmental officials point to an

investment level of around 25.0% as a requirement for a 5.0% sustained

annual growth rate.

Detalles del artículo

Cómo citar
Aparecida Feijó, C., & Cerqueira, L. F. (2011). An interpretation of the behavior of the mark up in the Brazilian industry. Investigación Económica, 69(272).

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