The backward bending Phillips curves: competing micro-foundations and the role of conflict

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Thomas I. Palley


The Phillips curve is a critical part of macroeconomics, yet the theoretical foundations of this important relation remain poorly understood. The current paper excavates the micro-foundations of Phillips curve theory, focusing on the competing theoretical explanations of the Phillips curve that adopt a demand-pull perspective. The paper develops a taxonomy of the different theoretical approaches to the Phillips curve, and then presents a simple model of the backward bending Phillips curve that incorporates elements of wage conflict. The model therefore joins together the logic of both the conflict and demand-pull approaches to the Phillips curve, which in the past have been kept separate.

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Cómo citar
Palley, T. I. (2019). The backward bending Phillips curves: competing micro-foundations and the role of conflict. Investigación Económica, 68(270).

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