Dimensión Económica https://journals.unam.mx/index.php/rde <p><strong>Dimensión económica (Economic dimension) is a digital space of the Economic Research Institute (Instituto de Investigaciones económicas in Spanish) where you will be able to find original articles concerning economy issues, mainly addressing world change and also focusing on Latin America facts. By means of this digital publication, the authors describe, explain and interpret in an easy-going way the contemporary economic processes. Among the diverse subjects discussed by this journal, the ones standing out are: finance, migration, industrial activity, poverty, primary sector, education, employment, and technology. </strong></p><p><strong>Director:</strong> Dr. Alejandro Méndez Rodríguez</p><p><strong>Contacto:</strong> <a href="mailto:dieco@iiec.unam.mx">dieco@iiec.unam.mx</a></p><p><strong>Teléfono:</strong> 01 (55) 56230115</p> Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas es-ES Dimensión Económica 2007 - 1892 China pursues new type of development: Goals of the latest five-year development plan https://journals.unam.mx/index.php/rde/article/view/28269 <p>This article analyzes some of the changes in China's development model aimed at shifting the fundamentals of growth, i.e., moving from an addition of inputs to an increase in the productivity of production factors. China hopes this process will also narrow the inequality gap and help preserve the environment. The Asian giant urgently needs to develop its domestic market so that it can depend less on fixed investment and exports as sources of accumulation. This will slow the pace of economic expansion but will have the advantage of creating a more balanced growth.</p> María Teresa Rodríguez y Rodríguez Copyright (c) 2 6 Fiscal dependency and inequality in Mexican state governments https://journals.unam.mx/index.php/rde/article/view/28270 <p>This article evidences that the fiscal system of inter-governmental relationships in Mexico has exacerbated the financial dependence of state governments over the past decade. Given the extreme weakness of their taxation powers, this system has led to a reduction in local tax revenues.</p> Nicolás Mandujano Ramos Copyright (c) 2 6 Intensive and extensive exploitation of nature: Possibilities for mathematical modeling https://journals.unam.mx/index.php/rde/article/view/28272 <p>Thomas R. Malthus' model for population growth predicted a future of widespread famine. On the other hand, Pierre F. Verhulst's model helps us understand why this prediction has not come true. This article proposes the use of both models and the bifurcation diagram obtained from Verhulst’s model as a basis for a proposed mathematical model that helps us to better understand the issue of intensive and extensive exploitation of nature.</p> Arturo Bonilla Sánchez Jorge Zaragoza Badillo Copyright (c) 2 6 Eugen Varga: The Polonius of Comintern and Stalin. Some reflections on his work https://journals.unam.mx/index.php/rde/article/view/28273 <p>This article presents a critical view of the ideas of Eugen Varga, the leading theorist of the third communist international. Vargas examined various aspects of the economic cycle, the major crises that afflicted the capitalist world at the time, the evolution of various capitalist countries and State capitalism. Late in his life he came under heavy fire from Stalin's co-partisans, and was stripped of his post, though he was subsequently restored to office.</p> Luis Sandoval Ramírez Copyright (c) 2 6 Las regiones en México y sus estudios https://journals.unam.mx/index.php/rde/article/view/28274 Juan Martínez Sorian Copyright (c) 2 6 Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México https://journals.unam.mx/index.php/rde/article/view/28275 José Rafael Valencia González Copyright (c) 2 6