Matices del Posgrado Aragón <p><em>Matices. Revista de Posgrado</em> es una publicación multidisciplinaria que muestra el trabajo de académicos estudiantes de las cuatro maestrías (Arquitectura, Derecho, Economía, Pedagogía), de tres doctorados (Derecho, Economía y Pedagogía) y de las Especializaciones en Puentes (programa único en América Latina) y en Derecho que integran a la División de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación (DEPI) de la Facultad de Estudios Superiores Aragón (FES Aragón). Matices. Revista de Posgrado es una publicación de contenido multidisciplinario, que cuenta con cinco secciones: Dossier, que incluye siempre la temática central del número (aunque no es monográfica) en las secciones Aportaciones y Debate; la sección Otros temas que contiene las participaciones o colaboraciones (artículos de investigación, ensayos) de temáticas diferentes a la sección principal); la Sección bibliográfica, en donde se recomiendan lecturas de temáticas actuales, y para finalizar, se presenta a los colaboradores de ese número de la revista en una sección denominada Autores.</p> es-ES (Daniel Velázquez vázquez) (Daniel Velázquez vázquez) Wed, 22 Jun 2011 00:00:00 -0500 OJS 60 The promise of politics Hanah Arendt Random House Publisher NY/London, 2005 Gonzalo Farrera Bravo Copyright (c) De las teorías del desarrollo al desarrollo sustentable: construcción de un enfoque multidisciplinario Estela Gutiérrez Garza, Edgar González Gaudiano México, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León Siglo XXI Editores, 2010, 216 p. p. Martha Elena Pedroza Luengas Copyright (c) La aplicación de políticas educativas en el nivel de posgrado en México At the end of last century, in Mexico, series of educational reforms in the different education levels were carried out; in this document, utterly, the level of superior education, specifically to the Postgrade, is pointed out, as well as the inclusion in new organization ways that change the dynamics of this level. As well as the instrumentation of evaluation policies that allowed new organization forms to the interior of each one of the Institutions of Superior Education, and with it, the evidence of processes of efficiency from the logic a market that predicts that the academic activity will be seen under the productivity perspective. Rosa María Soriano Ramírez Copyright (c) Saberes, habilidades y estrategias utilizadas en la escritura de un texto científico: ensayo o artículo Discourse as tool is critical to our society, because it contains a range of strategies and skills, and the appropriate using of them creates communication. This knowledge is transformed in the writing and speaking, building the shape and function of words, which always have an intention, these cause reactions and changes in the behavior whose hears or reads a text. In this article we mentioned processes to write a scientific text which emerge different points as the prior moments of writing, methodological research, the composition, strategies and skills in the cognitive paradigm, communicative competences, which are part of discourse is in a scientific writing a text. Argelia Hernández Cortés Copyright (c) Matices de la educación en la condición postglobal Theoretical reflections on the relationship between current public policy with training in higher education, from a crawl in the National Development Plan and states of art that visualize the concepts metaconceptual marking guidelines and curriculum approach teaching-learning processes experience, learning and teaching in postglobal condition, with the focus of this essay the question: Is there a training process this practice among teachers and students? Erika Saldaña Pérez Copyright (c) Informe sobre las universidades en Chile: prestigio, calidad y rankings en el 2009 Chile was the first Latin American country that adopted in the 80 'a neoliberal state rationality and thus a new form of relationship with Higher Education. This new relationship has different traits, but one that acquires centrality: the predominance of private higher education and measurement of quality and prestige. Report on the universities in Chile, describes the measurement of quality and prestige of 8 universities that are created between 1842 and 1980 through three sources: the ranking of the newspaper El Mercurio, the survey-TNS What TIME, 2008 and Ranking, Web of universities (also known as webometrics). César García García Copyright (c) Stress, employment and academics' wages in higher education It is evident the necessity to carry out research in the academic organizations so to know the levels of academic stress; because if this are high, it can cause individual and group dysfunctions. For the above mentioned, is unavoidable the analysis of the employment support that the human resources of the Superior Education Organizations (SOE) receive, as well as the level of their job satisfaction and salary, considering their personal characteristics; this can be achieved knowing their stress levels and the support in areas such as: personal, labor-organizational and social-situational. The analysis may allow us to be under conditions of evaluating processes more consciously and formulating organizational recommendations which entail the possibility to generate a better quality of life for its staff, this will be reflected in the increase of the individual production in the main functions of the SOE: teaching, research and extension as well as diffusion of knowledge and art. Daniel Velázquez Vázquez Copyright (c) Quinto Encuentro Iberoamericano de Colectivos y Redes de Maestros que hacen Investigación e Innovación desde su Escuela y Comunidad en Venezuela María Guadalupe Villegas Tapia Copyright (c) Reflexiones sobre la transición democrática en América Latina: el problema del cambio en la continuidad y la continuidad del cambio The purpose of this article is to recover some key ideas of the unfinished discussion about democratic transition in the region, by pointing out three interconnected edges or analytical levels: 1) epistemic-discoursive, by considering the meaning of transition concept in relation to its context’s application; 2) socio-historical, in the distinction of those social moments and situations which appear by tensioning the legitimacy of democratic institutions at a regional level; 3) critical-political, by demystifying the possibility to establish a clear profile between stages of transition / post-transition in each national case, also into an understanding of "democratization" as an ongoing process, complex and dynamic, not linear nor univocal. Ana Pamela Paz García Copyright (c) La equidad de género. De agenda pendiente a agenda en el olvido This essay will analyze the situation of equity gender in Mexico about the announced aspects in the “National Development Plan 2006-2012”, the corresponding texts are: "The pursuit of gender equality in the discourse, programs and promises.”, "Gender equity in the application of justice in Mexico: Ciudad Juarez, Atenco, Morelos and Guerrero.", and "The implementation of gender mainstreaming in public policies”. This speech is contrasted with the facts related to this subject, which occurred during the second year of President Felipe Calderon Hinojosa’s mandate, with the brief analysis of government programs promoted by Calderón’s government. Finally, the analysis of all these elements lets suggest that in Mexico the marginalization and gender-based violence are still present, and recommendations and equity gender’s discourse exists only in documents, speeches but not in reality. María Cristina Camacho Ramos Copyright (c) 25 años del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI) y su impacto en las Políticas de Evaluación de la Educación Superior en México Taking as a reference the First Congress of Members of the National Research System (INS) -Queretaro, Mexico/mayo-2010, and this essay presents a brief critical reflection on 25 years of life SNI. But, provides an analytical exercise to evaluate this model and their impacts on current public policy evaluation in the education system national. The SIN has become the cornerstone of the System of Higher Education and Scientific country Assessment Researchers; of the Accreditation of Graduate Studies and levels of excellence in the Universities. All reach their majority, without requiring the revised, updated and correct some of its mistakes, so as to meet the new challenges offered by the Science, Technology and Research, that will chart a course that calls for scientific work in Mexico. Hugo Sánchez Gudiño Copyright (c) Tecnologías no convencionales para el tratamiento de las aguas residuales en la Facultad de Estudios Superiores Aragón The Facultad Estudios Superiores Aragon is located in Nezahualcoyotl municipality, Mexico State, where water supply has always been a problem. In this campus, fresh water is still used for green areas irrigation, so that, it is necessary to build a wastewater treatment plant in order to get a sustainable management and recycle the water generated in the sanitary system. However, conventional technologies are not suitable because of its operational and maintenance high costs and qualified personnel. In this paper many non-conventional technologies are presented that might be suitable for Aragon’s wastewater treatment, taking to account the characteristics of wastewater, soil, climate, financial and technical resources, etc. Marjiorie Márquez Vázquez Copyright (c) Arquitectura y Agua: notas para su reflexión y aproximación a su optimización Why recycle? Does what I do make any difference? For these simple questions, there are no simple answers but elaborate justifications. These notes center in the field of architecture and what happens to water and with water in the built environment. The object of these notes is to sensitize on the problem of the use and waste of water in architecture and its mismanagement as a vital resource: its use, waste, treatment, recycle and reuse in the project, in the building process and in operation. “To care for water is to care for life”. Héctor García Escorza Copyright (c) El agua y el diseño humanitario We describe two different low cost plastic drums, designed to make easier exhausting daily tasks of women that carry on their heads or back heavy containers full of water, in rural African areas, because water is not available at home. María Fernanda Gutiérrez Torres Copyright (c) Breves anotaciones jurídicas para el uso y aprovechamiento del agua The purpose of this paper is to establish the importance of water for any form of life on this planet; it is primary use and rational use and aware, since it is becoming increasingly more complex bring it to urban centres for the costs involved in all directions (from the technical, economic and ecological point of view). It is a strategic resource that makes fear that in the not so distant future, water becomes a potential source of conflict between people and countries. Juan Antonio Morari Herrera Copyright (c) Recomendaciones útiles para el suministro cotidiano del agua The water is the most important element of the nature, is in the category of natural exhaustible and not renewable resources, is indispensable for the life in the planet, since without her flora would not exist, fauna, ecosystems and the same humanity. The planet is covered in fourth three parts for it waters down however, for salty, not consumable water for the human being and the biodata. At present the sweet available water is scanty, traverses the risk of disappearing in an imminent future due to diverse factors: the pollution, the global warming, the lack of wareness with relation to the use and care of this vital liquid. Maricruz Pérez Martínez Copyright (c) El uso y aprovechamiento del agua The situation of water resources in Mexico should be considered a situation of national security, which requires the immediate attention of the federal Government and citizens from various regions to improve the use and management of the vital fluid; should also contemplate agricultural use representing 79 percent, the industrialist with civilian use with 3 per cent and 18 per cent. An example is Mexico City facing the problems of access and adequate supply of water for human consumption because of its geographical position. The use and management of the vital fluid should be the goal to achieve the objective of conserve and protect with the effective management of water using a sustainable development for the society in general. Félix Edmundo Reynoso Vázquez Copyright (c) El cuidado del agua para el cuidado de sí mismo At present, the use and exploitation of water is a major concern globally. It was stressed enough about it in the media and in schools, but the messages do not cause the expected sensitivity in society, Today is still a misuse of the vital liquid. Consumer society we live brings us to the purchase of bottled water at inflated prices, the stereotypes imposed by mass culture that foster an awareness necrophiliac increasingly away from the conscience for themselves or care for himself. It is necessary to reflect our practice, build devices that the concerns of anxious self care and care of water, especially educational institutions for higher education are ideal for the formation of citizens or subjects participatory approaches to sustainable development of water. Ana María Álvarez Marín Copyright (c)