Social UNAM2024-08-30T21:06:44-05:00Open Journal Systemsthis journal publishes every four months and it's goals are to share the theory and professional practice of the social work and it's related disciplines, following a line of scientific production that seeks the highest quality elements that are required by the national and international indexes with the participation of prestigious academics, researchers and practitioners that are both from the country and foreigners. social en el sistema penitenciario. Experiencia en Jalisco/México2024-08-30T20:56:33-05:00Angélica Rivera<p>Social work is directly involved in government institutions, making the social worker a public servant who integrates and forms part of governments and in the specific case of the penitentiary system, has labor and moral obligations with people deprived of their liberty. However, the financial remuneration of this professional does not have a fair and objective relationship with his professional position in the prison system.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00-05:00Copyright (c) 2024 social, una asignatura en constante transformación (Segunda parte)2024-08-30T21:06:44-05:00Lilia Chávez<p>En esta última parte de la entrevista, la Mtra. Carmen Jonas habla del trabajo social en Latinoamérica y sobre las áreas de oportunidad<br>del trabajo social.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00-05:00Copyright (c) 2024 ficción como categoría para aproximarnos al quehacer del trabajo social2024-08-28T11:41:45-05:00Consuelo Esther Cuevas Durá<p>The academic community’s contribution to the social work profession is manifested in the recovery, enunciation, and analysis of every day practices. This work, conducted as part of a master’s thesis in Social Work at UNAM, distances itself from imposing a “should be” of the profession and bases its methodology on the categories of fiction and invention to account for what is produced, displaced, and invented in the daily lives of social work professionals working in high schools in Mexico City. As a result, it analyzes working conditions, interactions with other educational actors, and the tactics and strategies employed by social workers in schools. The relationship between academic discourse, the norms of the Ministry of Public Education, and common practices is questioned, seeking to understand how social workers invent and reinvent their work. The fieldwork focused on in-depth interviews with colleagues, leading to understand the following categories in the findings: colleagues’ positions as subjects in their school communities, the displacement of their daily practices in the face of institutional conditions and personal stances, the shifts and movements in their discourses, the sense of doing social work in the hagiographic and mystical, and finally, the use of tactics and strategies to invent their daily work. The text also addresses the discourses and perceptions of social workers about the social reality of youth, including topics such as violence, drugs, and exclusion. It highlights the strategies used by social workers to address conflictive situations and support students, as well as tensions between institutional norms and everyday practices. Finally, it acknowledges that in the fiction of school social work, not only the everyday is reflected, but also the possibility of intervention and change for our profession.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00-05:00Copyright (c) 2024 Trabajo Social UNAM al plan de estudios 2019 de la ENTS: del desencanto sobre su fundamentación pedagógica2024-08-28T12:20:02-05:00Joaquín Arellanorevista.ts@ents.unam.mxSergio Gamboa<p>This article is based on two questions about the 2019 Curriculum Reform of the National School of Social Work of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). To do this, it will be divided into two parts, the first one is a review of the philosophical and pedagogical foundation that supports the curricular change. During this paper, related questions are investigated about the two paradigmatic traditions that establish the thinking and action of professionals in the social disciplines: the galilean and the aristotelian and their evolution over time. Subsequently, the curricular modification of the ENTS is analyzed from the perspective of pedagogical theory: from the area of didactics and the curriculum, mainly.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00-05:00Copyright (c) 2024 social y descolonialidad: problematizaciones y propuestas para la América nuestra2024-08-28T12:43:59-05:00Miguel Rodríguez Suá<p>The presentation called Social Work and Decoloniality: problematizations and proposals for Our America, raises tensions and debates around the various facilities of the colony that inhabit the different spaces of social life, among them, the economic and political model that at the universal has become hegemonic due to the influence of the West and its modernity,through the installation in which knowledge is conceived, created and legitimized, to impose power in the professions in general, and in particular, in the sciences. within which Social Work is located, reproducing in some way the social class system due to the origin of the degree and its status within society.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00-05:00Copyright (c) 2024, cultura y salud mental: Un acercamiento desde el trabajo social a la búsqueda de sentido en la urbe2024-08-28T12:58:05-05:00José Iñigo Aguilar<p>The relationship between transcendence, culture, and mental health in the Metropolitan Area of the Valley of Mexico (ZMVM) is analyzed. The loss of the sense of religious transcendence and its impact on the psychological well-being of the population is discussed, contrasting Henri Hude’s proposal with that of Victor Frankl. It is based on a survey of 639 inhabitants of the ZMVM, revealing a growing secularization and religious diversification. Although the Catholic religion predominates, acceptance of its teachings is declining. Funeral practices also reflect cultural changes: an increase in cremation and a preference for keeping ashes at home. It concludes that the population also seeks meaning in values such as personal relationships, work, or family, and that social work should foster spaces for reflection on the meaning of life and death, so that people can find hope and cope with uncertainty.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00-05:00Copyright (c) 2024 social con pacientes pediátricos en cuidados paliativos2024-08-28T13:19:18-05:00Jacqueline Estrada Pérezrevista.ts@ents.unam.mxNorma Cruz<p>En el mundo más de 56.8 millones de personas requieren de cuidados paliativos (CP), el 67% son de 50 años y al menos el 7% son niñas, niños y adolescentes (DOF,2022), el objetivo de los CP será ofrecer una calidad de vida y comodidad a través de un control de síntomas y equilibrio entre el estado físico, social, psicológico e incluso espiritual del paciente y sus familiares.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00-05:00Copyright (c) 2024 aproximación a la construcción de las masculinidades de jóvenes estudiantes2024-08-29T15:23:15-05:00Yuridia Félix Mé<p>This article compiles relevant information from an investigation carried out at a UNAM high school, which shows the perception, practices, and discourses that characterize the exercise of masculinities among young men. It also shows a changing reality and a constant clash between the traditional and the new forms of masculinity demanded of young men. Based on this, the question arises about the expressions, characteristics, and situations of conventional masculinity that are still present in school communities. In this sense, emphasis is placed on the repercussions of the gender mandates, roles, and stereotypes under which they relate.<br>This causes young men to enter into controversy, as they do not know how to behave under the demands of the school, where there is an effort to establish egalitarian relationships, and what the family expects of them as males.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00-05:00Copyright (c) 2024 artesanales de la cuenca baja del río Coatzacoalcos en el contexto del Corredor Interoceánico del Istmo de Tehuantepec (CIIT)2024-08-29T15:30:14-05:00Manuel Uribe Cruzrevista.ts@ents.unam.mxJosé Carlos López Ló<p>This article describes from the perspective of social actors the socio-environmental conflicts in the industrialization processes (petrochemical, gas and oil) that have historically affected them and are currently being impacted with the installation of the development poles of the Corredor Interoceánico del Istmo de Tehuantepec (CIIT) carried out by the current six-year term of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (2019-2024), as well as the development processes that have been implemented and are being carried out that directly affect the artisanal fishing community located in the lower Basin of the Coatzacoalcos River, in the Veracruz portion of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00-05:00Copyright (c) 2024 Social y migración2024-08-30T20:49:42-05:00Gabriela Rodríguez<p>Social work as a discipline of the social sciences should highlight the possibility of extending the horizons of intervention to contemporary problems such as the migration issue that responds to a unit of analysis, where social intervention sets the guidelines of the profession and generates proposals for change focused on theoretical and empirical knowledge with the actors involved. Creating specific recommendations that open the horizons of change from the intervention in problems arising within the migration phenomenon.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00-05:00Copyright (c) 2024