The language and modernity alternative of Nuestra America: the recovery of the subject
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The problem of otherness has its origin in language; it is from the logos that the other subject takes on a condition as a human being in the world. Since it was said that every different being was a barbarian, a type of relationship was identified and marked, which justified all kinds of abuses against them, because the barbarian had to be civilized with force and war. The fact of naming the others as barbarians caused a crisis to begin with the idea of humanity and the subject, which led to an incision between cultures and human beings, which prevented them from seeing the other as their alterity and community. In Our America they were not branded as barbarians, but, analogically, it was said that the Native Americans were savages, which allowed an unjust war against the them. Therefore, studying language from Our America proposes a new meaning and use of language, from another modernity. An Our American modernity that is rooted in history and that proposes a new poetic language that resolves the problem of alterity, in which humans are included as a common unit, a community.
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