Derecho Comparado de la Información 2011-10-14T13:11:30-05:00 Elvia L. Flores Ávalos Open Journal Systems Se trata de una publicaciones dedicada a la difusión e intercambio internacional de estudios de derecho comparado de los medios de comunicación y la libertad de información. Las colaboraciones que se reciben con el objetivo de ser publicadas en nuestra revista son sometidas a dictámenes y demás procedimientos establecidos por el Departamento de Publicaciones del Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas de la UNAM. Los principales temas que aborda nuestra revista son los siguientes: 1. regulación de medios; 2. nuevas tecnologías; 3. medios en conflicto; 4. derechos a la información; 5. derecho de acceso a la información; 6. derecho de los periodistas; 7. libertad de expresión y libertad de información; 8. privacidad, intimidad y protección de datos personales. Los retos de la nueva administración pública en el ejercicio del derecho de acceso a la información. Una visión comparada. 2011-10-14T13:11:30-05:00 Aristeo García González <p>The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) opened an array of new activities to the public administrations. Internet and each of its services have become the infrastructure with more changes and development posed to the public institutions ever. It is one of the challenges to establish a balance of rights and obligations against this reality, particularly, the relationship between the e-administration and the citizens. In this article, the author explores some of the perils of the e-administration precisely with the right to access to information and the protection of personal data under the Mexican legal framework.</p> Copyright (c) La inaplicación del <i>canon americano</i> sobre libertad de información en Venezuela 2011-10-14T13:11:30-05:00 Eduardo Meier García <p>The author argues that the Constitutional Tribunal of the Supreme Court of Venezuela has ignore the American cannon on freedom of speech and freedom of information, has fail to comply with the resolutions of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and has claimed against the Inter- American Commission on Human Rights. He further analyzes the enforcement of the State’s obligation to respect and protect the rights of the people and human groups under its jurisdiction. The conclusion points that in Venezuela persist certain loyalties that override the rational processes grounded on the law and the institutions, based on the Venezuela’ Constitution, the International Law on Human Rights and the supremacy of human rights.</p> Copyright (c) ¿Derecho de rectificación, derecho de respuesta o derecho de réplica? 2011-10-14T13:11:30-05:00 Alejandro Rosas Martínez <p>The so-called rights of rectification, of response and of reply, are concepts intimately linked to the constitutional right of freedom of speech. Is important to define, determinate and regulate these rights, if the intention is to build properly a democratic State. A conceptual analysis, in a local, national, regional and international level, will be useful to establish a theory about these rights.</p> Copyright (c) El derecho de acceso a la información ambiental como reto ciudadano: el caso Tabasco 2011-10-14T13:11:30-05:00 Gisela María Pérez Fuentes <p>Tabasco in southern Mexico suffered in 2007 one of the most severe natural disasters occurred in the World. The Juárez Autonomous University of Tabasco created a research network on natural disasters and the development of projects rests on the access to environmental public information. In this article, the author describes the experiences of the first stage of the research using the access to information legislation at local and federal level. Conclusions point that there is poor coordination amongst the authorities with holding environmental information; there are administrative barriers to access the relevant information; and noncompliance of collecting statistical data and management of records at the agencies with environmental functions and duties.</p> Copyright (c) Protección de la infancia y la juventud en la información: estudio jurisprudencial 2011-10-14T13:11:30-05:00 Carmen González Marsal Copyright (c) Comentarios en materia tributaria a la propuesta de reforma a la Ley Federal de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información 2011-10-14T13:11:30-05:00 Issa Luna PLa Gabriela Ríos Granados Copyright (c) García Cordero, Fernando, Libertad de expresión y derecho a la información. Jurisprudencia e instrumentos internacionales en el ámbito americano, México, Ubijus, 2010. 2011-10-14T13:11:30-05:00 Sergio García Ramírez Copyright (c)