CuidArte Journal <p><strong>Welcome</strong></p><p>The CuidArte Journal "The Art of Caring" belongs to the academic community of the Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; its periodicity is biannual every February and August in digital version.</p><p>Its objective is to disseminate disciplinary, methodological, theoretical, and empirical research, as well as techniques and procedures advances among the members of the academic and scientific community of the Nursing and Health Sciences discipline worldwide.</p><p>The willingness of its publication is open to all universities and researchers interested in contributing to the advancement of scientific knowledge in Nursing and Health Sciences.</p><p><strong>Publications:</strong></p><p>-<a href="">Original article</a></p><p>-<a href="">Review and update article</a></p><p>-<a href="">Nursing process</a></p><p>-<a href="">Essay</a></p><p>-<a href="">Nursing narrative</a></p><p>-<a href="">Health diagnosis</a></p><p> </p><p><strong>Authors</strong></p><p>-Students,</p><p>-Social service interns,</p><p>-Teachers,</p><p>-Professionals, and</p><p>-Researchers</p><p>of the Health Sciences Area (Nursing, Medicine, Biology, Dentistry, Psychology, Optometry, etc.) National and International.</p> es-ES (Revista Electrónica CuidArte ”El Arte del Cuidado”) (Emilio Velazquez) Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 -0500 OJS 60 Implicaciones del cuidado de nietos en contextos críticos vulnerables sobre la salud de las abuelas <p>Socio-economic changes in parents mean grandmothers take care of grandchildren, this activity can contribute negatively to grandmother's health. <strong>Objective: </strong>To describe the care of grandchildren in critical or vulnerable contexts of the city of Cali and the implications on the grandmother's health.<strong> Method: </strong>Qualitative descriptive, focused ethnography; for 9 months, with 11 grandmothers caring for grandchildren from 0 to 6 years, the ethnographic analysis was intensive, parallel to the collection of information through participant observation, semi-structured interview and field diary. The thesis was ethically endorsed.<strong> Results: </strong>four cultural themes 1) Grandmother whose history has repercussions on her feeling of being kepered and on the intensity of caring for grandchildren nowadays. 2) Unpaid domestic work and care of grandchildren as a way of making herself visible to her family. 3) Vulnerable critical context reflected within the grandmother's home. 4) The intensity of domestic work, the care of grandchildren, the aggressive family environment and the scarcity of resources affect the grandmother's health. <strong>&nbsp;Conclusion: </strong>Caring for the grandchild in critical and/or vulnerable contexts becomes a social determinant of the grandmother's health; poverty, insecurity and violence have gone beyond the limits of the home; she experiences loss of the right to participate in household decisions to the point of feeling pushed aside. Nursing should address this issue in the formulation of improvement plans, participate with the grandmothers in parenting school.</p> Ana Maria Bastidas Erazo Copyright (c) 2024 CuidArte Journal Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Resistance factors for the development of nursing consulting at the Faculty of Higher Studies Iztacala, UNAM. <p><strong><em>Introduction</em></strong><em>: The role of nursing consultant is influenced by different factors that prevent a greater demand and expansion in the application of nursing interventions, these predispose the supply demand of the service, in addition to the recognition of the nursing work. For this reason, the question arises: Do economic, professional and social factors generate resistance in the development of nursing consultancy in the teachers of the Faculty of Higher Studies Iztacala? <strong>Objective</strong>: To determine the main resistance factors that limit the development of nursing consulting at the Faculty of Higher Studies Iztacala, UNAM. <strong>Methodology</strong>: Quantitative, observational and analytical study, cross-sectional and prospective, with a relational level. Three dimensions were analyzed: professional, economic and social. The sample consisted of 54 professors of the Nursing degree from the FES Iztacala, UNAM. A self-administered instrument made up of 19 items was applied at the FESI facilities. <strong>Results</strong>: The data shows that 55.6% of those surveyed do not consider opening a nursing office, while 44.4% do. A statistical association was observed between the social and professional recognition of the profession with the growth of nursing consulting, while economic and professional-academic factors are not perceived as limiting the development of a nursing office. <strong>Conclusion</strong>: The results of the statistical analysis reflect that factors such as perception, social and professional recognition, significantly limit the development of consulting for nursing teachers.</em></p> Kaleb Aldair Martinez Rivas, Gabriela Alejandra Vargas Mendoza Copyright (c) 2024 CuidArte Journal Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Español <p>Introduction &nbsp;&nbsp; As people age, their quality of life is largely determined by their ability to maintain autonomy and independence. About 67% of people aged 60 years and older in Mexico have different chronic diseases, with the majority of COVID-19 deaths occurring in people aged 70 years and older, by COVID19 in 2020 and 2021.</p> <p>Objective&nbsp;: To describe the situation of older adults with COVID19 intervened with telecare and home care for respiratory problems and comorbidities.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Methodology&nbsp; &nbsp; Quantitative study, of nursing intervention by convenience sampling and with the participation of a multidisciplinary team (nursing specialists, pulmonologists, nutritionist), as well as a longitudinal design of delivery of the intervention until the improvement of the participants was achieved.</p> <p>Results or Findings: The predominant comorbidities in women more than in men were diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, diabetes and neurological problems as a consequence of COVID19. Almost half of the sample lived alone with their partner. Regarding housing, 2/3 of the patients have physical barriers, insalubrity or humidity or live on an upper floor. The main primary caregiver is the daughter (female)&nbsp;.</p> <p>Conclusion: Home care and telecare are strategies that in parallel resolve the care in the face of an epidemiological health emergency, complications were reduced, hospitalizations were prevented, health problems in comorbidities were corrected and hospitalizations due to respiratory complications due to COVID19 were avoided.&nbsp;</p> Gandhy Ponce Gómez, Beatriz Carmona Mejía, Martha Lilia Bernal Becerril, Graciela González Juárez, Sara Huerta González Copyright (c) 2024 CuidArte Journal Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Autoevaluación de la carrera de enfermería en la Universidad Adventista de Bolivia con el modelo V <p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Educational quality begins with the self-assessment process and is oriented towards accreditation. The study describes the use of a university evaluation model adapted to the character of the institution. <strong>Objective:</strong> to describe the self-assessment process of the Bachelor's Degree in Nursing at the Adventist University of Bolivia, using the Integrative Structural Analysis Model of University Organizations, adapted to the institutional philosophy. <strong>Methodology:</strong> Descriptive, cross-sectional study; with the application of the Model V methodology. The universe was made up of 86 subjects, constituting all the administrators, teachers and students of the Nursing career; surveys, interviews, literature review and supporting documentation were carried out. To analyze the results, a self-evaluation matrix was created based on the ten areas of the self-evaluation regulations of the Adventist University of Bolivia. <strong>Results or Findings:</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Of the ten areas evaluated, five achieved a high degree of compliance, the institutional philosophy, mission and vision; planning and achievement of institutional objectives; regulations, government and management; student services; and infrastructure, equipment and furniture. The research area obtained an acceptable degree of compliance, the rest of the areas achieved full compliance. <strong>Conclusions:</strong> The evaluation revealed areas that need improvement, especially in the area of ​​research, suggesting the need to increase commitment to research in the field of nursing. The self-assessment carried out is a valuable tool for the process of continuous improvement of the Bachelor of Nursing degree.</p> Jannette Marga Loza Sosa, Stefanía Johanna Cedeño Tapia, Juan Wilfredo Choque Medrano , Silvia Irene Zegarra Lima, Yolanda Anabel Culzoni Copyright (c) 2024 CuidArte Journal Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 -0500 COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE METHODOLOGICAL STRUCTURE IN NURSING DEGREE THESIS WITH A QUANTITATIVE APPROACH <p>The Methodological Structure (MS) of the theses developed with a quantitative approach is defined as coherent integration of research design, type and number of variables, measurements, sample size, applied sampling technique and statistical analysis plan, with the purpose of provide an answer to a research question that allows accepting or rejecting a logically stated hypothesis. Objective: Compare EM applied in Nursing theses with a quantitative approach carried out at FESI and ENEO, UNAM during period 2017 to 2019. Method: Descriptive, transversal and comparative bibliometric study. Random variable is called EM. Fixed variable was Educational Institution (FESI and ENEO). Population. It is group of FESI and ENEO Nursing students who completed theses. Analysis unit. Theses are stored in digital format and are freely accessible on the TESIUNAM Platform, from which 52 were extracted for reading and analysis. Results: In general, in both institutions MS of the theses can be considered similar. However, there is greater diversity in ENEO, as well as more complex theses. Conclusion: Methodological structures of theses at FESI are frequently basic. In FESI, diversity of research designs applied is very limited compared to ENEO, where a greater diversity of MS was clearly observed.</p> Naomi Maciel Arvizu-Vieyra, Javier Alonso-Trujillo, Abraham Alonso-Ricardez Copyright (c) 2024 CuidArte Journal Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Narrativa de enfermería: convirtiéndome en un instrumento para el cuidado de las personas <p><strong>Abstracts</strong></p> <p>Many procedural and cognitive skills and abilities are acquired throughout nursing education, all of which are necessary for those of us who have chosen the path of caring. Relieving pain, healing a wound or performing a procedure with skill requires solid theoretical and practical knowledge; however, the substrate to build an empathetic, sensitive and humane relationship with our patients is the nurse himself, which requires qualities such as respect, commitment, compassion and sensitivity among others, in addition to the discipline, order and perseverance that describes us. In practice, experiences arise that forge the character of the nurse, this is the best arena to observe and transcend from physical care, to holistic care through understanding and consideration of other dimensions such as social and spiritual, thus allowing to forge with simplicity, but certainty a strong interaction of care. Each experience constitutes the cornerstone of nursing knowledge and strengthens its foundations; it contemplates visions, models, theories and empirical indicators as part of the ascending and descending ladder of inductive-deductive reasoning that shapes and validates the converted practice. This Holarchy is made tangible and socially comprehensible through the Empirical Theoretical Conceptual System (SCTE). As a purpose, the analysis of a nursing situation through the lens of the SCTE is proposed.</p> <p><strong>Keys Words: </strong><a href="">Personal&nbsp;Narrative</a>, Primary care nursing, self-care (Desc.Bireme). (MeSH)</p> Yalena Ortiz Anaya, Anny Julieth Contreras Viloria, Yeimmy Gabriela Meléndez Álvarez , Sergio Alejandro Contreras Paternina , Adriana Sofia Pérez Argumedo, María Angelica Solorzano Barboza Copyright (c) 2024 CuidArte Journal Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Case study of a newborn with necrotizing enterocolitis in an ileostomy state applying the self-care theory of Dorothea E. Orem. <p><em>Premature newborn of 35 dsg/ 39.5 weeks corrected with Necrotizing Enterocolitis IIIA and postoperative ileostomy by Exploratory Laparotomy, starting trophic stimulation with hydrolyzed milk presenting abdominal distension after feeding, a weight increase less than percentile 10 on the Fenton scale, leakage of effluent from ileostomy. Main diagnoses and interventions: 1. Growth retardation related to increased basal metabolic rate due to stress manifested by crying, difficulty falling asleep, weight gain less than the 10th percentile, and IPAT score 7, 2. Willingness mother to improve knowledge in the care of digestive stomas (ileostomy) manifested by verbal expression of the desire to perform care at home. Among the results obtained are mentioned; Position and containment were provided to reduce stress and decrease energy consumption by managing the environment, light and sound stimuli were decreased, having a weight gain of 80 g in a surveillance time of one week with a score of 11 on the IPAT scale and managed to train the mother in the care of the stoma by making her a participant in the change of collection bag, information was provided on alarm data that could indicate infection data or skin lesion in the peristomal area, as a conclusion; Maintaining a stoma with adequate care is essential to avoid complications that may aggravate the patient, as well as managing the micro and macro environment to reduce stress in the hospitalized newborn.</em></p> Yazmin Rufina Julio Chamu Copyright (c) 2024 CuidArte Journal Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Revolucionando la Enfermería: de la narrativa humanista a la práctica integral en diversos contextos <p>La enfermería, una disciplina en constante evolución, se define no solo por sus conocimientos, sino por su profunda conexión humana con los pacientes. En esta editorial para la Revista CuidArte, exploraremos [...]</p> Rocío Álvarez Reynoso Copyright (c) 2024 CuidArte Journal Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 -0500 En memoria de... <p>Reconocemos la admirable trayectoría de la Dra. Leticia Cuevas Guajardo, quien brindó su apoyo incondicional, sus conocimientos como autora e integrante distinguida del equipo editorial.</p> <p>La despedimos con cariño, admiración y profundo respeto... Gracias.</p> <p> </p> Dra. Leticia Cuevas-Guajardo Copyright (c) 2024 CuidArte Journal Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 -0500