Some Recent Developments in Structures Fitted with Buckling Restrained Braces (BRBs)

Contenido principal del artículo

Hector Guerrero
José Alberto Escobar


The authors have conducted several numerical and experimental studies aimed at quantifying the bene ts of Buckling-Restrained Braces (BRBs) when tted in frame structures. The most signi cant experimental stud- ies include shaking table tests on three building models made of concrete or steel. Among the numerical studies are: 1) the proposal of a seismic design method; 2) an evaluation of the economic bene ts of BRBs; 3) studies on the residual displacement of structures equipped with BRBs; and 4) the response of structures equipped with BRBs when subjected to seismic aftershocks. This paper presents a summary of the identi ed bene ts of BRBs for frame structures with the intention of encouraging their use in earthquake zones.


Detalles del artículo

Cómo citar
Guerrero, H., & Escobar, J. A. (2018). Some Recent Developments in Structures Fitted with Buckling Restrained Braces (BRBs). Academia XXII, 9(18), 73–89.

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Biografía del autor/a

Hector Guerrero

Doctor Hector Guerrero was born in Zacatlan, a small village located in the state of Puebla, in Mexico. He earned his bachelor’s and his Mas- ter’s degrees in Civil Engineering at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (unam). In 2016 he graduated as a PhD in Civil Engineering from The University of Manchester, in the United Kingdom. He has in- dustrial experience in the area of structural design of steel and concrete structures. Currently, he is an academic at unam, where is an Associate Professor. He conducts research related to seismic protection systems, a topic in which he has published numerous peer-review papers on in- ternationally recognised journals. He is also a member of the Mexico’s National Researcher’s Program (SNI) and several professional organ- isations such as: the Mexican Society for Structural Engineering, the Mexican Society for Earthquake Engineering, the Institution of Struc- tural Engineering (in the UK), the American Concrete Institute, among others.

José Alberto Escobar

Dr. Escobar is a civil engineer with a Bachelor’s degree from the Natio- nal Polytechnic Institute (iPn) Higher School of Engineering and Archi- tecture and a Master’s and Doctorate from the National University of Mexico (unam) Structural Engineering Department, conducting some of his doctoral research at Cornell University in New York. He is current- ly the lead researcher at the unam’s Engineering Department, where he has also served as interim director, academic secretary and repre- sentative of graduate tutors. He has been a professor for the graduate and undergraduate programs at the unam School of Engineering’s Civil Engineering and Geomatics departments, a professor of research and graduate studies at the Autonomous University of Guerrero’s School of Engineering and a professor in the Meritorious University of Puebla’s graduate programs. Professionally, he has served as project engineer for the Mexican Petroleum Institute’s Industrial Plant Project Enginee- ring Subdivision. He has also worked as a structural engineer for the company Polydam S.A. He has served as a dissertation advisor for 45 Bachelor’s students (three of them receiving honorable mentions and one an award for best Bachelor’s thesis from the Mexican Structural Engineering Society), 40 Master’s students (two of them receiving ho- norable mentions and one an award for best Master’s thesis from the Mexican Structural Engineering Society) and one doctoral student. His lines of investigation include the seismic torsion of buildings, the detec- tion of structural damage, passive and active control of structures, the non-linear analysis of three-dimensional structural models, dynamic and non-destructive tests and probabilistic structural analysis. He has more than 150 technical publications to his name (articles in peer-re- viewed journals, papers presented at national and international confe- rences, chapters in books, reports to sponsors, technical books) and he participates in trade associations such as the Academy of Engineering, the Mexican Seismic Engineering Society, the Mexican Structural Engi- neering Society, the Mexican College of Civil Engineers and the World Scienti c and Engineering Academy and Society.