The Education of a Structural Designer

Contenido principal del artículo

William Baker


A structural designer needs to be able to create something new. What is the source of these new ideas? They can come from an understanding of technology, a knowledge of history, research and educated inspiration.

Not all structural engineers are structural designers, who create work that has structural engineering principles as a central aspect. What does a structural engineer need to learn to be a good structural designer? Structural designers need to understand structural theory, the behavior of materials, mathematics (including a deep understanding of geometry) and the difference between analysis and design. It is import- ant to understand structural failures and learn from what hasn’t worked in the past. They need to learn and understand the history of design and designers and have the ability to make freehand sketches. They need to lose their fear of criticism and learn how to free themselves to create. A knowledge of the history of art and architecture will help spark ideas and provide another basis for communication with collaborators. One challenge for structural designers is to go into unknown territory instead of continuing down the same path, but also to not be afraid of utilizing a known solution and adapting it to the situation at hand. A designer needs to learn how to nd or create knowledge through research.

The fundamental question is: how can we design the education of engineers to create structural designers?


Detalles del artículo

Cómo citar
Baker, W. (2018). The Education of a Structural Designer. Academia XXII, 9(18), 7–15.

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Biografía del autor/a

William Baker

Socio principal de ingeniería estructural de Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, LLP (som), una rma multidisciplinaria de arquitectos, ingenieros, di- señadores de interiores y plani cadores urbanos donde William Baker ha sido el líder del departamento de ingeniería estructural por más de 20 años. Ha dirigido el diseño de numerosos proyectos alrededor del mundo, incluido el Burj Khalifa, la estructura más alta del mundo. Es miembro de la Academia Nacional de Ingeniería en los Estados Unidos y miembro internacional de la Real Academia de Ingeniería en el Reino Unido.