Characterization of a breakup in couples of university students: Differences in cognitive assessment of the event
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a negative assessment, divided in turn by gender, in relation to the following variables: level of importance, level of commitment, duration of
relationship, ways of loving, reasons for breaking up, coping styles, and level of depression resulting from the breakup. To that end, we conducted
Student t tests with each of the variables involved. 326 university students age 17–26 (122 men and 204 women) who had recently gone through a
breakup in their sentimental relationships participated in the study. Differences were found between women who assessed their breakups positively
and those who assessed them negatively in relation to level of importance, level of commitment, duration of relationship, lack of sex drive, lack
of commitment, rational incompatibility, in evasive coping styles, cognitive-reflexive analysis, ludic loving style, and total level of depression. In
the case of men, differences were also found for level of importance, level of commitment, and coping styles: evasive, cognitive-reflexive analysis,
and denial.
© 2018 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Asociación Mexicana de Comportamiento y Salud. This is an open access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license (
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